Eco-tourism and sustainablility

Eco-tourism and sustainablility

Ecotourism is defined as leisure travel that provides tourists with an educational and adventurous experience visiting complex and fascinating ecosystems and their associated cultures and traditions.

A good ecotourism operation will strive to support the community and encourage travelers to be culturally sensitive by training and employing local people and by purchasing local supplies and services to further stimulate the economy.

The Positive Impacts of Ecotourism

Here are some pros of ecotourism you should know

  • You can escape from the hectic pace of the city for some R&R
  • Both the elderly and the young would enjoy this kind of trip
  • This type of tourism encourages healthy lifestyles
  • You can give a positive impact on wildlife conservation
  • You can get familiar with indigenous customs and values
  • You can learn about the interactions of organisms with one another and with their surroundings
  • Local economies benefit greatly from this kind of tourism, and the region as a whole advances considerably
  • Bringing in many tourists to the ecological zone helps the area flourish and allows locals to find gainful jobs

Sustainable tourism is “to address the demands of visitors, the industry, the environment, and host communities while also taking into account its current and future economic, social, and environmental implications” (UNWTO).

The Positive Impacts of Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism is a form of vacationing that takes care of today’s visitors without compromising the area’s natural, cultural, or historical resources for the benefit of future generations. It has many advantages, such as:

  • Preservation of the environment
  • Connections to the surrounding community
  • Reduced the amount of energy that was consumed
  • Efforts made to cut waste
  • Cost saving
  • The advantage over the competition and public image
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