Pros and Cons of Social Media

Pros and Cons of Social Media

Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social media is something that has become an essential and important part of our lives. It not only has become a part but also the way of life and for some people, their whole life revolves around social media, and without it, they cannot function.


No doubt, social media has brought a lot of benefits and advantages to it, but social media also has its disadvantages, it sometimes can be toxic and ruin someone’s life and reputation. Let’s start with some pros of social media.

Pros and Cons of Social Media



  • Social media helps in spreading awareness and messages quickly

Social media has a big part to play when it comes to a serious matter or some message that needs to be spread around the world. Many teenagers and adults keep up with what is happening around the world through social media and more people tend to like to be updated through social media rather than watch the news. Social media does spread a message or anything within seconds. So, it is an easier way to keep everyone connected and let them know what is going on. Recently black lives matter has been trending on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. On Instagram people are using the #blacklivesmatter to educate people and spread awareness about what it means and what they are trying to say.


  • Social media can help with anxiety and depression

This point is also a con, but I am going to talk about how it is a pro in this situation. There are so many people on social media who are brave enough to share their stories about their mental health and how they cope with it. There are so many pages, support groups, and so much more which post and share not only positive things but information about how to deal with someone who is going through depression or what the person themself can do to cope and handle what they are going through. Social media really can help you reach out and connect with other people who are dealing with similar problems.

Pros and Cons of Social Media

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  • Great opportunities for business owners and entrepreneurs

Social media is the best way to advertise your business and to help it grow your audience/customers. It is a great way to keep your previous customers up to date with new products or updates. On Instagram, you can make a really great business page. Also, social media is a big help for entrepreneurs, I have so many friends who have started their baking page or catering business via. Instagram and it is so cool how much they have grown and become successful. Famous YouTubers like the Dolan Twins, Lily Singh, etc. started on YouTube as a nobody and now they are popular well-known YouTubers with a lot of subscribers.


  • Social media helps students

Now reading a really lengthy article or handout given to you or going through a very thick book for information is not always the ideal option for a student. Social media is used by most students to gain knowledge because it provides a lot of tips to informative posts. Through social media, students can stay connected with their friends and utilize social media to work on group projects and they also use it to talk about different assignments.



  • Social media can be addicting

Social media can be informative and all, but it can also be very addicting. Most teenagers and even adults are always seen on their phones either on Instagram, Facebook, or twitter constantly checking their feed and their eyes just glued to their phone. Adults complain that their kids for most of the day are just on their phones playing games, chatting, or doing something else. Social media can even bring down students’ grades and it makes them unable to concentrate on other important things like homework, assignments, or their own family.

Pros and Cons of Social Media


  • Social media can exaggerate and spread false information

They say don’t always believe what is on the internet and that is a true saying. Social media has this cancel culture now which can honestly really destroy a person’s reputation. If a big scandal happens with an influencer or celebrity, social media just feeds off of that and creates people who support that person and people who are against them and while this hassle is happening a lot of rumors are made and false information is spread. So, if you are getting up to date with a scandal or situation do not believe everything you see.


  • Social media can be devasting to one’s mental health

While social media has a lot of positive and informative accounts and people available to help you if you are going through something, it can also bring someone down. A lot of people have insecurities and that is okay, but when they go on social media and see this pretty girl or handsome guy, they start thinking negatively about themselves and their appearance. Social media can also be stressful and cause your mental health to get worse. Social media is also the hub for cyberbullying, some people posts pictures and receive backlash or rude comments and not only normal people, but celebrities as well and that can be really hurtful and take a big toll on someone’s mental health. Many people have even committed suicide because of social media pressure.

Pros and Cons of Social Media


  • Social media can cause distances

Social media is a great way to stay connected and talk to your friends and family, but often we rely on and become dependent on it and stop meeting face to face with our friends and relatives even. This can create a lot of distances and many people may get the wrong idea by reading a text message. So put your phone down and go out and meet the ones you care about.

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