Five Strategies For Improving Work-Life Balance

Five Strategies For Improving Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance means prioritizing both your personal life and work life. It might not always be a perfect balance, but there’s enough of a balance to have an improved quality of life.

When you are employed and have to deliver on certain key performance indicators, sometimes, work-life balance can be tough. Having a poor work-life balance is not uncommon, but that doesn’t have to be how you live your life.

Tips For Achieving A Better Work-Life Balance In 2024

Now that you see why work-life balance is beneficial, how can you best achieve it? Below are some ideas for finding the right balance between your work life and personal life.

1. Set A Realistic Schedule

Ideally, you would probably spend about eight hours at work each day. However, some jobs demand longer hours if you want to meet your KPIs. You can see how your professional life would then start to eat into your free time. The worst part is that if you’re salaried, you won’t be paid more for working overtime.

To address this, start by talking to your employer to find a realistic schedule that leaves you with more control and free time. You should come to the conversation prepared: Outline the reasons behind your burnout and propose possible solutions. This could involve stating that you need more help or guidance, a change in your workload, or a vacation.

Be honest and open with your boss to ensure that you are taken seriously and that they can do something to help.

2. Focus On Your Well-Being

Many people tend to focus on their busy work life instead of their personal priorities. Make sure you do not forget your personal well-being. This includes checking in on the physical, mental and emotional aspects of your life.

The problem with people who are too busy is that they forget to take a break. Write down a “me” time and put the reminder where you can easily see it.

Turn off mobile devices completely to focus on yourself, and don’t let anything get in the way. Practicing meditation, reflection, exercise, painting, reading or crafting are all popular relaxation activities you could consider.

3. Say ‘No’

Adding more tasks to a busy schedule will not reduce your stress. Taking breaks can help you continue feeling good. That is why it is sometimes okay to say “no” to additional tasks when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Remember that saying “no” is not a personal attack. Start by expressing your willingness to help out, explain why you are unable to take on additional tasks at this time, and offer an alternative solution if possible, such as suggesting another colleague or resource that could help out.

4. Take Breaks

Even if your company culture involves working for long hours, people also have personal lives. You need to have enough time with family members. So, take breaks from your working hours to socialize and have some “me” time to reflect on your life.

You can communicate those breaks to the workplace to ensure they understand and respect them.

5. Create A Work-From-Home Routine

Working at home can also be hard. It’s important to ensure that your productivity remains high. So, how can you achieve work-life balance when you’re working from home? Define your working hours, create a working space, and stick to a routine, just as you would with work that involves going to the office.

Employers should understand that employees also need to spend time with their families. This applies to remote work, too. If you are an employer, let your employees have vacation time to recharge—you may find that it helps them perform better.

