Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

With the rise of technology, people are spending more and more time indoors. So much, in fact, that this day and age is increasingly being referred to as the “indoor generation”, with several studies estimating that Americans spend about 90% of their time inside.

1. Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression

If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “get some fresh air”, you likely already know just how relaxing the outdoors can be. Getting outside can be a great way to reset, recharge, and take your mind off mentally draining tasks — and there’s research to support these mental health benefits. It has found that little as 20 minutes outside — whether it’s spent exercising or just sitting— can significantly lower stress hormone levels. Likewise, a number of studies have noted lower stress and anxiety levels, as well as reduced depression symptoms, in individuals who’ve spent time in forest and natural areas compared to those who’ve walked in urban neighborhoods.

2. Improves memory and cognition

Ready to sharpen your mind a bit? Head to a park. Research has shown that spending time outdoors can boost creativity, improve focus and concentration, and enhance memory. A University of Michigan study, for example, found that short-term memory and attention spans improved in people by 20% after just an hour interacting with nature. Another found that children with ADHD were able to concentrate better after just 20 minutes in the park. Even the sounds of nature (like chirping crickets and birdsong) can support cognitive function.

3. Boosts heart health

Time outdoors can also benefit your heart health. One primary way it does this is through exercise. Being in nature promotes and encourages physical activity, which plays a significant role in your overall well-being. A regular physical activity can lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, as well as improve circulation and strengthen your heart. Likewise, exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the chance of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. But the heart health benefits of nature aren’t limited to exercise. As mentioned above, time outdoors is also associated with lower stress levels, which also impact cardiovascular health.

4. Supports longevity

Getting outside might also add more years on to your life. A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found that greater exposure to green space was associated with a 12% lower mortality rate. This is in line with a number of studies that have linked time in nature to a reduced risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and even some cancers.

5. Enhances sleep

If you want to sleep soundly at night, get out during the day. A study published in Preventative Medicine found that more time outdoors is associated with better quality sleep. Likewise, a growing body of research has found that increased exposure to natural sunlight helps regulate the body’s internal block or circadian rhythm.

There are so many benefits to gain from simply experiencing the natural world around us. In an era in which we’re so attached to computers, phones, and televisions (and increasingly sedentary, indoors), there are a variety of benefits to be reaped once we open that door and step outside. Go for a walk or jog, pack a picnic, get out for a round of fetch with your dog, plan a beach day, bring an easel outside to paint in the yard, start some gardening, play a pickup game of soccer or basketball, or take your lunch outside your office. Your brain and body will thank you.


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